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Serving Schedule

Lenten Practices

Lent is the Christian season of spiritual reflection that leads up to Holy Week and Easter. It is often observed a time of repentance, fasting and preparation. It can also be a time of self-examination, both for individuals and faith communities. People often people choose to give up something or add a new spiritual practice to their daily routine or they choose volunteer in order to give of themselves in the service of others. If you are looking to add spiritual practices to  your routine this Lenten season, please consider adopting one of the following: · Pray for someone who has hurt you or whom you have hurt

· Give a meaningful donation to a non-profit of your choosing

· Take 5 minutes for silence in the middle of your day

· Give a box of clothing to Goodwill

· Buy a few grocery store gift cards to give to homeless people

· Pray for people and situations in today’s news

· Forgive someone

· Read Psalm 121

· Talk to a neighbor

· Have a “buy nothing” day

· Donate art supplies to your local elementary school

Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Easter (+breakfast and egg hunt)

We will celebrate Holy Week beginning on Palm Sunday, March 25th.  The service will  begin with the procession of children carrying flowers and the congregation waving palm leaves.  It will continue with the reading of the Passion Narrative from the Gospel of Mark.

This year we will celebrate Maundy Thursday with a service at Northwest Christian Church, Thursday, March 29th at 7:00pm.  This service commemorates Jesus sharing a last supper with his disciples before his arrest and crucifixion.

Easter morning, April 1st (no fooling!), Karen Dorr & Sharon McKenzie are coordinating a light breakfast in the Fellowship Hall at 9:00am. Our Children’s Ministry Team is organizing an egg hunt for the children at 9:45am.  In our 10:30 am Worship, we will celebrate new life in Christ through scripture, offering, music and communion.  This is great day to invite friends and neighbors to come to church with you!  

The Regional Assembly is Coming May 18-20, 2018
.  We can have 2 reps in addition to the Pastor & anyone is welcome to attend.  Let Moderator Jennifer Stilwell know if you are interested in representing us in Sumner. 

OWL Youth Topical Study:
On March 11th the church will have at least six youth embarking on a series of workshops on sexuality.  The first series of studies in March will focus on values, pop culture images, and physical and emotional changes.  The study will have ten workshops in total and focus on healthy relationships and development.
The group will meet at 6:00 pm Sunday evenings at the church.  Dinner will be provided.  If you are still interested in your youth participating, the church has additional copies of the materials and book that go along with the study.Summer Camps

Please add the following dates to your family's calendar. 
* Kids Camp (2nd - 3rd grade): July 16-19th @ Camp Gwinwood
* Junior Camp (4th - 6th grade): July 16-21st @ Camp Gwinwood
* CYF/Chi Rho Camp (7th grade - Grads): August 5-11th @ Camp Koinonia

The church will have at least one director and a few volunteers helping this summer.  Forms will be available at the church once the region publishes them online. Youth and children who have attended camp before should also receive forms in the mail. Forms and additional information will be available at the following link. 
https://www.disciplesnw.org/ministry/youth-summer-campsInterested in baptism or joining the church?  We are offering classes during Lent for those interested in being baptized or becoming new members on Easter (April 1st).  Please talk to Pastor Monica as soon as possible.  

We approved our Open and Affirming Welcoming Statement:  “As we strive to follow in the way of Jesus Christ, Northwest Christian Church welcomes all of God’s children to join us in worship, service, fellowship, and in the sharing of our faith. We believe that all people are created in the image of God, and that all people can serve God just as they are. We hold in our hearts that God’s love is inclusive. We welcome people of every race, age, physical or mental ability, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity to join us as we make Jesus Christ known in the world.”  Congratulations!

Covenant Discipleship Groups meet once a month, October to May.  The purpose of these groups is the strengthening of personal connections and faith commitment through prayer, Bible study, mutual support, & the practice of spiritual disciplines.  Covenant Discipleship Groups are a great opportunity for those who are new to Christian faith to learn more and for long-time Christians to grow in faith.  We will be offering a group that meets monthly on the last Sunday of the month at noon (beginning November 15th).